Nebula PixInsight Processing Workflow now available!
Updated: Apr 20, 2023
Our Nebula PixInsight Workflow is now available! It is an easy-to-follow course that takes you through all of the processing steps we use to process monochrome astronomical images, specifically nebulae. This is a great resource for any amateur astrophotographer who wants to become better at processing data using PixInsight. The guide was designed in a way that you can easily leave it open on a side window while processing and quickly follow each step as you go.
What does it include? Find out below!
Our Astrophotography Processing Workflow
We decided to make an advanced guide that will not only be helpful for RGB data but also for Monochrome images. In this course, we use NGC7000/IC 5070, the North America and Pelican Nebulae as an example, and process the image from start to finish using some more difficult steps that aren't included in our beginner guide.
As promised when we released it, the guide has been updated several times throughout the years to match PixInsight's newest versions and to add more tips and tricks we discovered over time.
As of today, the course includes 20 lessons, our raw data, and 18 walkthrough videos with commentary. You'll also be able to download our custom PixInsight process icons that includes all our pre-sets!
Oh, and it also has a section that covers how to download and process professional data from NASA and space telescopes!
The video below quickly talks about the processing guide
The course is formatted in a way that it is very easy to read, simple to follow, and does not drag on forever! Each step fits on one page so that all information is given straight to the point. To make things even easier to follow, the processes described in this guide also have an embedded tutorial video showing you exactly how to apply the process.

Below are some of the content you can expect to learn from this guide:
How to easily go through all your files and delete any unwanted data
How to stack your images
Drizzling and what it does
Common Stacking Issues and how to fix them
What is Bi-Color Combination
Cosmetic Correction
Cropping several images with the exact same aspect ratio and size
How to use DynamicBackgroundExtraction
Star Size Reduction and Detail Enhancements
Reducing the noise in our Linear data
Combining monochrome channels into one color image
Switching to Non-Linear: The way we stretch our data and other methods of stretching
Removing the green pixels from our image
How to easily fix Magenta looking Stars
Completely removing all our stars
Using Clone Stamp to remove artifacts in our image
Creating masks for specific colors
Using Curves Transformation and our Color Masks to achieve the perfect hue and saturation for each color channel
Enhancing the dark areas in our image such as the interstellar dust lanes
Adding the stars back with PixelMath
Exporting our image the right way
Downloading raw data from NASA
Understanding the data, filter used, and more
Processing professional data from space telescopes
Fixing artifacts in bright stars
Several steps at the end also talk about using Lightroom to further enhance our image.

Purchasing the Advanced PixInsight processing guide gives you access to unlimited support for life. You can contact us at any time, either through the Galactic Course page, through our social media channels, or through email directly, and we will reply to you as soon as possible! We already do our best to answer everybody's questions, but you will be automatically placed in our primary contacts and get help in a timely manner.
The Beginner Processing Workflow
Not sure if you'll stick to PixInsight? Many of you found our original Processing guide really helpful, and we thank you for the nice feedback! This guide shows how we process our RGB images from start to finish. This is a great and easy-to-follow guide that is perfect for beginners who want to process galaxies, clusters, and other broadband targets exactly the way we do it. We used the famous Pleiades Cluster (M45) as an example in the guide.
You will have access to both written and video walkthroughs, the raw data of M45 for you to practice or follow along, our process icons, and more. We only recommend getting this guide if you are taking your first steps in the world of PixInsight.
Our Astrophotography Books
Clear Skies,
Antoine & Dalia Grelin
Galactic Hunter