My first post here. Thanks Antoine for all your help with my gear. I’m loving it!
The Horsehead was what got me interested in Astronomy over 50 years ago. I used to stare at it in a Time-Life book my folks had. I was so blown away by it. It’s cool to image it. Gives me chills.

Hey Jim! For some reason I completely missed this post, but just saw it now 😃
That's a beautiful image of the Horsehead and flame, wow! Glad to see Alnitak isn't completely blown up, that's a tricky star to include in any picture as it often gives huge halos. Looks great here! I also like your choice of colors, it's not often that you see a mostly orange hue in these gases with some faint green in the background, I like it!
I have a feeling you're going to produce some amazing space pictures 🌌