Learn Milky Way Astrophotography with Season 2 of the Galactic Course!
Updated: Apr 29, 2022
The new season of the Galactic Course is here! 🥳 This time, it is all about Milky Way photography! Be sure to join before more seasons get added as the price will increase then.
As a reminder, the first season covered deep sky imaging with a telescope. It was divided into three sections: beginner, intermediate, and advanced. You can learn more about it HERE.
But for season 2, let's leave our telescope at home and go image our own galaxy wide-field! 🌌

To all our current members, thank you for being part of the Galactic Course and remember, this new season, along with all the others that will come after, are 100% free for you! It will be automatically added to your account.
Thank you for being active on the Discord chat, joining the quarterly livestreams, and for all your awesome reviews!
You can see some of the reviews from the first season of the course on the left. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Galactic Course is an ever-growing platform and we take note of each person's feedback.
Current members, do not ever hesitate to reach out to us on the Discord chat if you'd like us to add or edit any of the content in the course if you believe it would make it even better!
You can see the full list of reviews, along with the course curriculum on the Galactic Course page!
Like we said, Season 2 of the Galactic Course is all about Milky Way astrophotography!
Season 2 has the same easy-to-follow structure as the 1st season, and is divided into two sections, beginner and advanced.
The image below is one of the types of pictures you can expect to get when completing the Advanced section of this Milky Way course. It shows the bright Milky Way band rising over a beautiful Joshua Tree.
Milky Way captured during Season 2 of the Galactic Course

Season 2 - What's Included?
Season 2 comes with new content and new perks! 🥳

The first half of the season covers Milky Way photography for complete beginners.
If you've never attempted capturing the Milky Way before, then this is the perfect way to get your feet in the water!
We go over what the Milky Way actually is, when is the best time to see it, how to find a good location out of the city, some basic equipment we recommend, how to set everything up on the field, and how to actually capture your first ever picture of the Milky Way band!
This beginner section is truly meant for complete beginners, so we made sure to keep everything simple to keep you engaged and motivated.
By the end of this section, a complete beginner should be ready to tackle the advanced section of the course!

In the advanced section, we invest in a small star tracker, use a different camera and lens than in the beginner section, as well as different accessories.
We give you tips to make your life easier, walk you through the best settings to use, and teach you how to pick an exciting foreground.
You will learn how to stack and process the Milky Way band, as well as how to create a composite image using several tools.
Last but not least, we share how you can get a print of your work to hang in your home as we did in the first season!
This second section of Season 2 will teach you advanced techniques to get the absolute best out of your Milky Way shots. Because of how we structured this season, we believe that a complete beginner can easily achieve incredible results in little time after going through both the beginner and advanced sections.
We introduced 10 awesome perks in Season 1, which you unlock as soon as you become a lifetime member of the course.

With the addition of the second season, we're introducing 3 extra perks! You will get:
A discount from a professional printing company, which you can use when you want to get your own image as a print
A discount for picture frames, including custom-size frames
We also introduce affiliate earnings. This means you will earn money whenever you refer the course to a friend! Each referral will net you $50! Did you refer the course to 10 friends? That's $500 in your pocket! 🥳💸 There is no limit to how much you can earn, and over time, you can make back your investment on your own membership with just affiliate earnings.

Course Curriculum
The Galactic Course currently has two seasons with a total of 27 chapters and 186 lessons. The Galactic Hub is where you can find general help about the course and see the latest announcements if any.
Table of Contents:
The Galactic Hub
Announcements - Check Here for Updates!
A Message from the Instructors
How to Navigate this Course
Table of Contents
Access to Stellar Perks
Useful Resources
Astrophotography Glossary
Season 1 | Deep Sky Astrophotography With a Telescope

Chapter 1: How to Get Started
Before we begin...
How we got started
What resources should you read?
How to get motivated: Astrophotography apps and websites
Get to know your objective
Chapter 2: Using a DSLR Camera
The camera: Your new best friend!
The telescope: Making the right decision
The mount: Strong and sturdy!
Camera accessories: Make your life a little easier!
Telescope accessories: Don't leave these at home!
Power sources: Getting amped on the field
DSLR camera - Equipment summary
What equipment will you be using?
How German equatorial mounts work
How to Attach a Clip-On Filter to a DSLR Camera
Chapter 3: DSLR - Camera Settings
Menu walkthrough and important features to activate
Main menu settings (ISO, Shutter Speed, Aperture)
How to switch to manual or automatic focus
How to switch to BULB mode
Summary of camera settings
How to use an intervalometer
Chapter 4: DSLR - Planning is Everything
Battling light pollution: How to find the perfect location
Weather Wizard: Which websites and apps to use
Scouting a location to image from
What objects should you image?
How to frame using planetarium software
The dangers out on the field
Chapter 5: DSLR - Setting Up and Initializing
How to set up your equipment
How to attach the camera to your telescope
How to balance your rig
How to plug in your cables
How to polar align
Initializing the mount and 3-star alignment
Chapter 6: DSLR - Imaging a Deep Sky Object
How to focus at night
What settings should we use?
How to focus the guide camera
How to use the auto-guider
Using the intervalometer and taking test shots
Passing time while imaging
Calibration frames - How to take darks, bias, and flats
Chapter 7: DSLR - Processing Data
Importing the files
Downloading raw data
Stacking with Deep Sky Stacker
Stacking with PixInsight
Processing a globular cluster with PixInsight
Post-processing with Lightroom
PixInsight - Download our processing workflow PDF
Processing summary
Beginner Processing Survey
Messier 13 - Final image results
Chapter 8: OSC Camera - Using a One-Shot-Color Cooled Astrophotography Camera
One-shot-color cooled astrophotography camera
Telescopes - Using a reflector over a refractor
Mounts - The jump to a high-end mount
Filters - Do you need them?
Batteries - We. Need. More. Power!
OSC camera - Equipment summary
Chapter 9: OSC Camera - Planning and Sequence Generator Pro
Planning ahead with SkySafari
SGP: Dashboard walkthrough and the basics
SGP: Preparing our imaging session
SGP: Settings used to capture M33
SGP: Setting up text and email notifications
Chapter 10: OSC Camera - Imaging a Galaxy from the Desert
Setting up the equipment
How to use a coma corrector
How to collimate a reflector telescope
Initializing the MyT mount
SGP: How to focus
Test shots and launching our series
Calibration grames with SGP: Taking darks and flats
Chapter 11: OSC Camera - Processing Data
Transferring files
Download our OSC camera raw data!
Debayering: Why is it important?
Processing a galaxy with PixInsight
Messier 33 - Final image results
Chapter 12: Mono Camera - Using a Monochrome Cooled Astrophotography Camera
The monochrome camera
The Telescope: We're using another refractor!
Extra accessories: An off-axis guider and electronic auto-focuser
How to mount the OAG on the camera
The electronic filter wheel and narrowband filters
Mono camera - Equipment summary
Chapter 13: Mono Camera - Planning Shots and the ASIAir
Understanding Monochrome Cameras
Planning our shot
What is the ASIAir?
What is a field flattener?
Chapter 14: Mono Camera - Imaging a Nebula from Home
Setting up in the backyard
ASIAir: Initializing and connecting the equipment
ASIAir: How to focus and use the electronic focuser
ASIAir: How to focus the guide camera on the OAG
ASIAir: Test shots and launching our series
ASIAir: Shooting flats and darks
ASIAir Pro - Mount controls and auto-guiding
Chapter 15: Mono Camera - Processing the Data
Transferring files from the ASIAir to the computer
Download our raw data!
Processing walkthrough of monochrome data
IC 5070 - Final image results
Chapter 16: Art You Can Be Proud Of
Our favorite printing companies
Displaying your art
Final Thoughts
Before you go...
Season 2 | Milky Way Photography

Chapter 1: Introduction
Welcome to Season 2!
Table of Contents
What is the Milky Way, and Why Photograph it?
Survey: Your Current Milky Way Photography Skills
Chapter 2: Planning our Shot
The best Time to Image the Milky Way
The Best Locations to Photograph the Milky Way and Escaping Light Pollution
Using SkySafari to Plan our Shot
Useful Apps for Milky Way Photography
PhotoPills Walkthrough
Planning Our Shot - Summary
Chapter 3: Beginner Milky Way Photography: Equipment
The Camera: Canon 7D Mark II
The Tripod: Orion Paragon XHD Heavy Duty
Image Acquisition: Wired Intervalometer
The Lens: Canon EF-S 24mm f/2.8
Other Accessories: SD card / Battery pack
Beginner Equipment - Summary
Chapter 4: Beginner Milky Way Photography: Camera Settings
Camera Navigation: Canon 7D Mark II
The "500 Rule"
Camera Settings
Switching the Lens to Manual mode
Activating BULB mode on the Camera
Camera Settings - Summary
Chapter 5: Beginner Milky Way Photography: Photographing the Milky Way
Arriving on Location
Setting up the Equipment
Focusing the lens
Framing the Milky Way and Taking some Test Shots
Taking images of the Milky Way
Photographing the Milky Way - Summary
Chapter 6: Beginner Milky Way Photography: Processing
Download our Raw Image!
Enhancing our image using Lightroom
Beginner Processing - Summary
Chapter 7: Advanced Milky Way Photography: Equipment
The Camera: Canon Ra
The Lens: Samyang XP 14mm f/2.4
The Tripod: Radian Carbon Fiber Tripod
The Star Tracker: Sky-Watcher Star Adventurer Pro
Accessories: SD Card and Wireless Intervalometer
Advanced Equipment - Summary
Chapter 8: Advanced Milky Way Photography: Camera Settings
Camera Navigation: Canon Ra
The "NPF Rule"
Camera Settings
Switching the Lens to Manual Mode
Activating BULB mode on the Camera
Camera Settings - Summary
Chapter 9: Advanced Milky Way Photography: Photographing the Milky Way
Scouting for Foregrounds during Daytime
Setting Up the Equipment and Balancing
Polar Aligning the Star Tracker
Focusing, Framing, and Taking a Test Shot
Understanding the Histogram
Tracker OFF: Capturing the Foreground
Tracker ON: Capturing the Milky Way
Photographing the Milky Way - Summary
Extra - How to Make a Miky Way Arch Panorama
Chapter 10: Advanced Milky Way Photography: Processing
Transferring and Organizing the Files
Download our Raw Files!
Stacking the Milky Way using PixInsight
Processing the Milky Way using PixInsight
Adding a Foreground using Photoshop
Milky Way Processing - Summary
Chapter 11: Hanging your Art
Purchasing a Print and Finding a Custom Frame
Hanging your Work
Galactic Course Season 2 Conclusion
Survey - Season 2
Want to learn all aspects of astrophotography in the most efficient way possible?
The Galactic Course includes a LIFETIME membership that gives you unlimited access to all current and upcoming astrophotography content. Step into an ever-growing realm of knowledge and learn at your own pace. Make life-long friends and connections with other members, and get tips from instructors that truly care about your journey and progress under the night sky.
Final Thoughts
We can't wait to welcome new members to the Galactic Course, and we also can't wait for the current members to enjoy the new content and perks.
If you need more information about the course, make sure to check out the main Galactic Course page where we have a ton of information listed.
Creating these courses is a lot of work, and as we’ve mentioned before, each time we add a new season, the price of the course will increase. Sign up before Season 3 is added to become a lifetime member for $469! Once you're in, you're in for life!
Clear Skies,
Galactic Hunter